With a grin on his chubby little face
He doesn't cry for his mother
Nor does he cry for attention,
No reason for him to smile or laugh
No reason for him to smile or laugh
He plays about himself:
Content and happy.
I become sentimental watching
This spectacle of innocence
It really makes me wonder:
If sunrise can be so beautiful
Then how did I wake up
All these years only with regret.
Now is the time!
I have to stop being a fool
I have to stop being a fool
Because my past has passed.
Since he has brought joy in our lives,
He deserves something in return from us
I will do my part in protecting his innocence
As much as I can, in every way possible.
First, by educating him about the mistakes I made
And helping him choose the better way of life.
As he grows up,
I want to make him realize:
Every day is a beautiful day;
How ordinary feelings can feel extraordinary;
How important it is to have supper with family;
How soothing it is to hold hands and share his emotions;
How enlightening it is to admire the beauty in art;
How enthralling it is when all his hard work pays off;
How to see those bright rays through the clouds;
Without all the materialistic fancies the world offers.
Ultimately, in order to find love and happiness,
He doesn't have to look all around him
But within himself.
June 28, 2017