Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Condemned Stone

A small stone fallen from the great rocky mountains,
Insignificant, repulsive and brittle with razor-sharp edges.
It was cursed, then stranded and ultimately... forgotten,
Rusted under the dark clouds among the weedy hedges.

It lived in a world so cruel that the rains never poured,
Neither a flower, nor a bird; not a thing of beauty was adored.
The sun never opened his eyes to bless this dejected piece of rock,
Thus, even in the haunted stillness, the leaves trembled in shock.

It was proclaimed, "The stone does not deserve to be here!"
Unable to withstand its presence, the stone was thrown away.
To a place that was never known - infested with peril and fear -
An ugly festering face of mercy that nature can possibly display.

It was a new world where time always crawled like a snail;
Scorching days never came to an end, nor did the miserable nights.
Tormenting years prolonged forever, just like an endless tragic tale,
Storms got increasingly fierce making the seas explode with huge tides.

Rains poured mercilessly hard and the drops shot like arrows,
Spearheaded by bolts of fury blistering from those volcanic clouds.
It was fated for the stone to endure these immortal pangs of sorrow,
And face the wrath of nature being wrapped in blazing shrouds.

The stone didn't get ornamented despite all the act of terror,
Neither did it shatter, nor did the sharp edges become slick.
But, all the unrelenting dirt got peeled off in the sight of horror,
And got transformed into a gem that was once regarded as sick.

This marked the gem's show of real power and splendor!
Then it was time for this new world to reveal its true self:
It was a planet meant only for such gems to twinkle and prosper;
A star of everlasting radiance; a self-sustaining galaxy all by itself!

The world that abandoned the stone was stunned!
To see it as a priceless gem that was once shunned.
It was indeed a miracle to see the sun open his eyes,
As he couldn't stand its beaming rays piercing the skies.

The world in which the gem was battered and discouraged
Always made sure this enchanting beauty was kept unseen.
But the boon was guarded safely within from being ravaged
Waiting to be unveiled from the darkest abyss ever seen.

The stone was indeed undeserved to be in that world of scorn,
For it was destined to stand alone and outshine as a scion of Victory.
The wait must come to an end; the day of reckoning must dawn
As the gem was born to be the beacon of Excellence and Glory.

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