Wednesday, August 28, 2019

On The Contrary

On The Contrary

It appears that the clouds have wrapped the hilltop,
But a massage of cool mist is being done over its head.
And the groves are swaying in pain wanting it to stop,
Instead, they are dancing in the rainy winds on the moist bed.

The roar of the thunderstorms is as horrifying as a monster,
Without which there won't be a grand welcome of the rains.
A deadly threat to the farm fields is the leaf-eating caterpillar,
Without which the sky and the rainbows are just the remains.

If you are chasing a thief for some cents and a few dollars,
Should the ailing mother of that criminal die of starvation?
If a corrupt leader is running a nation wearing a white collar,
What should the people vouch for: governance or destitution?

If sitting in utter silence is taken as an act of ignorance,
Then who will care about his struggle of looking up to you?
If a man with persuasive skill utters words with elegance,
Will you trust his words or his devious actions against you?

Plenty of trees are cut down for the sake of ambition,
But the revenge of Nature is looked upon as bad luck.
When a loud voice of anger leads to violent commotion,
Just listening to its pleading undertone can prevent havoc.

If fame pours in a lot of fans and fills up the cup of glory,
Then why is it sitting in the darkest corners of loneliness?
If gold coins and silver platters are treasured to curb misery,
Then why are they just covered in cobwebs of uselessness?

Now that I am clueless about what my next lines should be,
I decide to end it as there is no more juice left in the can.
On the contrary, is this poem as mindless as it seems to be,
Or is it the embers flickering from the whims of a mad man?

August 28, 2019